HOCHZWEI – Büro für visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG


Whether marketing or recruiting concept, corporate design, website or campaign: HOCHZWEI and its team of more than 80 people stand for holistic, cross-media communication solutions - from online to print to social media.

With its roots in Schleswig-Holstein, HOCHZWEI has developed special expertise in the tourism segment as a full-service agency since it was founded around 20 years ago and today specializes in particular in the area of vacation rentals.

Behind all projects at HOCHZWEI is both a powerful team and a high strategic standard, from which customers of all industries in the entire north, including Denmark, as well as supra-regionally profit.

Part of the agency group of the same name is the film production bewegtbild, which brings content to life from video clips to animation and creates contemporary content, including webisodes such as the formats #Stelldichein mit York (recruiting) and #GuteGastfreunde (location marketing).


Fjord promenade 16-18 Sonwik
24944 Flensburg

+49 461 9097208